Monday Delight :Chastity

Am inspired by the spirit of God to lay golden words into the hearts of ladies all over the world, as it has been laid in my heart.I will try as much as possible to be simply and intense as well because this is one area which has to be emphasized upon in the life of youths and ladies particularly.

     To be chaste means to be innocent and having no sexual experience,abstaining from sexual intercourse and being morally pure. Chastity is the state of abstaining from sexual intercourse before or outside marriage, it also means avoiding of sexual sin. All this words and definition brings us back to sex as an entity.
          Gone are the days when sex was seen as sacred. If you have heard of it you dare not talk about it or ask questions about it or else you are tagged as a bad child,in fact many parents instilled fear in the hearts of there girl child by telling them "once a boy or man touches you,you will become pregnant" Lol. But this days sex is no longer news, It's not a new thing, you will be amazed at the rate which young girls and boys yearn for sex, How they discuss it, the pills they use, the numerous boyfriends and girlfriend  they have and so on. It's really terrible.
           Sex is a divine  gift from God to we humans, but It's not a gift that should be misused. This gift is meant for those who have found favour in the sight of God and have gotten their heaven sent partner,after which they are married and ready to use the gift. That is why it is good to pray concerning your life partner at an early stage(topic for another day).
Am not saying It's wrong to know about sex, actually It's good to know what sexual intercourse is all about but not engaging in the act.Engaging in it is wrong and It's a sin. 
          However, some girls never indulged in the act willingly, some were raped,circumstances pushed some into the act,some were deceived and so on. If you fall into this category of people, please stop the act. Forgive that person who did it to you and let go,in this you will find inner peace. Stop hurting yourself and defiling your body by sleeping around because of whatever went wrong at the beginning. Because you are still alive give yourself a fresh Start, stop that sin you call a relationship and honour your body. There are lot of relationship Which went well without sex.
May God help everyone of us. Have a great day! 


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