
Showing posts from 2018

SARS AGAIN! SARS accidentally kill teenager

SARS accidentally kill teenager while chasing criminal in Lagos. An 18-year-old boy met his death, today, in the hands of some trigger-happy SARS operatives in Lagos. According to reports, the officers were chasing a criminal at Ilepo, Satellite town, when they opened fire which led to the death of the boy. This is lack of professionalism on the part of SARS. How can you kill an innocent person while going after a so called criminal. #endsarsnow

Man who is obsessed with his girlfriend of 4weeks, gets jailed

Man  jailed after banning girlfriend from Snapchat A man who banned his girlfriend from using Snapchat and controlled her use of Facebook has been jailed for his psychological abuse after a relationship that lasted less than a month. Matthew Bailey, 24, prohibited care assistant Molly Cunliffe, 19, from posting selfies on Snapchat, ordered her not to swap Facebook and Instagram messages with heterosexual men and told her she was not allowed to put kisses at the end of social media posts. Bailey would regularly check Miss Cunliffe's mobile phone, tell her what to wear and demanded she send him pictures to prove she was at home. During a four-week romance, Bailey also bombarded Miss Cunliffe with calls - sometimes up to 30 calls in the space of half an hour - and then falsely accused her of cheating on him whenever she did not answer. In one phone call, Bailey warned her: "You'll get a car through your front window and I'll stab you i...

See flavour’s adorable picture with his daughter

Flavour celebrate his beautiful daughters birthday with Lovely pictures.

August : God’s Delight

If you are God’s delight say ye! Ye!. Once you get to this month it becomes glaring that the year is coming to an end. Are you sad that you haven’t achieved anything? Are worried about not meeting up with your goals.I want to remind you that God is not done with you yet. His mercy is endless and there is no impossibility before God. Remember that you are the apple of God’s eyes. I don’t want to know how bad the year has been for you, but I know that your situation can change within the twinkle of an eye.  For those who have lost one thing or the other, be brave, be thankful and remain hopeful that though sorrow may last for a night , joy cometh in the morning.  Don’t give up on life, don’t give up on God, don’t give up on yourself. He will surely do a new thing and nations shall rejoice with you. This month is themed God’s delight because His mercy and goodness upon my life and yours is enormous. If you are still breathing, seeing, walking, laughing. Reading and living y...

How I got invited to a wedding party

          My mum and her friends were invited to a big society wedding, what caught my attention was the invitation, it was so unique and classy. You know you can see an invitation and you know how glamorous the event will be. It was from this moment, I decided to go for this wedding.           However, the problem was how to convince my beloved mum and her friends. It wasn’t easy convincing them to let me come along though. The first excuse I gave them was that I will be very useful to them at the event, should you forget something in the car I would help you pick it 😁, they said no there are people there who can do that πŸ™„ excuse1 failed. Then I told them I will help them tie gele for free because they would be changing into two outfits, again they said arrangement has been made for that 😏 again.. excuse2 failed🀦🏾‍♀️. Then the 3rd excuse came up in my head, I said you know I am single and searching.. and there might be prospectiv...

Holidays: why you should let your kids do their holidays somewhere else

Hi parents and guardians! It’s another holiday and you all are thinking of how to make the holiday fun for your kids. Holidays should be an avenue for the kids to learn, grow, have fun, interact with people and gather new experience. How will your children get all this? By letting them do their holidays at a family’s place, family friend, etc people you know will impact the life of your kids.      While growing up, my parents made it compulsory to go for holidays at my cousins place or our family friend’s place, it use to be bittersweet experience because we use to find it difficult to adjust and adapt to their style of living. Holidays help your children learn how to adjust to any kind of environment fast.     When they go to other people’s place they get to know that there is a different side to life. at home we eat breakfast at 7am or 8am but when we went on holiday at my cousins place we ate at 11am, you see the difference?? it was like punishment but we...

Childhood memories: Forcing people to buy your stuffs

  When I was young, my mum used to go all the way to Lagos to buy really nice outfits for my brother and I. The clothes were normally new arrivals so we would have rocked it like for 8 months before it infiltrates the market.  We use too enjoy our cool outfits until one woman like this decided to start to her aposhe market from our head... only God knew where that woman gets the clothes she sells to my mum 😟 . Very ugly clothes with fifty shoulder pads on each shoulder. I would wear that dress and immediately look arrogant πŸ˜… . My mum would look at my face and she would see how displeased I was with the dress and the aunty with the akaracha cloth will also see my face ooo, the next thing she will turn to my mum and tell her how long lasting the materials are, how it will last us a whole century and how we can pass it to the next generation. That moment, I would be crying in my heart. Looking at my brother, he will be so sad because his own was even worse, the length of th...

June: my month of smiles

If you are happy to see this month give me a smile. Smile because you made it this far, smile because you have another opportunity to make a difference, smile because you will surely overcome the challenges and come out a winner! Just smile because weeping may endure for a night but Joy cometh in the morning. Have a blissful month

Mother’s apron strings Prt1

When a man is tied to his mother’s apron strings should you leave the relationship or stay. In my own opinion, I would run as fast as my leg can take me. I believe marriage is for enjoyment and not for endurance. If you were to endure anything, it shouldn’t be a doting mother breathing down your neck all the time. It’s awful, he would listen to what his mum says all the time. Every decision will come with the #what will mummy think or do. No woman will be comfortable and happy in a home where she has to be subjected to a higher authority than that of her husband.  Everyday I see the disadvantage of ending up with mama’s boys. They feel their Mum’s meal taste better than that of their spouse. Yeah we know your mum is a renowned world cook and she cooked so well for your family while you were growing up, which is fine. What is not fine is when you start comparing your spouse meal to that of your mum.  Your mummy carried you for 9months, bla bla bla, your wife is gonna ca...

Wedding party: the gluttons

I have had a lot going on lately, that’s why I haven’t been updating. However, Wedding party πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆ Gist is back and better. So on the 12th of this month, I attended a wedding at Abuja, karu precisely. There was no church wedding I guess they did the registry already. So that day was for the traditional marriage (popularly known as engagement by the yorubas) . The traditional marriage was supposed to start by 8, but it was raining so we had to chill because the venue for the engagement was outdoor, in a hotel premises, when the rain subsided the event kicked off. The engagement was anchored by @  , the event was going on smoothly till the weather started to change, people started to pray so it doesn’t rain. I was like πŸ˜’, yo! I believe God is there to answer our every request no matter how flimsy they are but sometimes it’s good to cut Jesus some slacks and do the right thing, and the right thing should have been them getting a mini recept...

On becoming a corper Day 1

That morning was full of thanksgiving, we were grateful that God made it possible for me to be posted to Abuja. So finally we left the house with my mum, uncle and cousin. I carried three bags πŸ™„ and my hand bag making it 4. We got to kubwa around 9.30am. Every where looked rowdy, women selling pillows, waist purse,,mosquito nets, shorts etc soldiers ordering corp members around. Now I knew I have arrived. I carried some of stuffs while my cousin helped me with the rest. I joined the queue while the officers checked our call up letters, before letting us pass. The soldiers were friendly, my cousin helped me with my stuff to the main gate. He couldn’t go beyond the gate. I waved at my mummy, uncle and cousin and proceeded into the camp. My bags was searched, I discovered they were seizing extension box, 🍴, mugs and breakable plates.from there I was directed to a canopy where we were given a brief orientation. After that we were told to go meet the man o war officials. On seeing me an...