Mother’s apron strings Prt1
When a man is tied to his mother’s apron strings should you leave the relationship or stay.
In my own opinion, I would run as fast as my leg can take me. I believe marriage is for enjoyment and not for endurance. If you were to endure anything, it shouldn’t be a doting mother breathing down your neck all the time. It’s awful, he would listen to what his mum says all the time. Every decision will come with the #what will mummy think or do. No woman will be comfortable and happy in a home where she has to be subjected to a higher authority than that of her husband.
Everyday I see the disadvantage of ending up with mama’s boys. They feel their Mum’s meal taste better than that of their spouse. Yeah we know your mum is a renowned world cook and she cooked so well for your family while you were growing up, which is fine. What is not fine is when you start comparing your spouse meal to that of your mum.
Your mummy carried you for 9months, bla bla bla, your wife is gonna carry you, your kids , your burden for the rest of her life. Respect her✊.
He would talk about how his mum washed and iron their cloth and that of their dad, and he will see no reason why you want to get a washing machine because he believes you should be like his virtuous mum.
Every quarrel will end up at his Mum’s table instead of sorting out in your bedroom.
Now don’t get me wrong, your mum deserves love , care and a good life but you should be able to balance both. You don’t want your wife to take your mum as her rival, you don’t want your wife praying for the quick death of your beloved mum, do you? So you have to apply sense and be diplomatic in your approach.
From my research, the 1st category left the relationship immediately they noticed the apron strings because they can’t cope, the 2nd category decided to calculate how long she will live and decided to endure till she dies,I once heard about someone who after losing his mum found it hard to have an erection.
the 3rd class of women said they will just be patient and be like his mum and be close to the mum so they don’t have issues.
I laugh at the second category because, you would be surprised that mama will outlive you, instead of wishing her dead or calculating the cost of her burial just leave the guy before getting married.
If you have a different view, I would love to read it in the comment section. Thank you
If you have a different view, I would love to read it in the comment section. Thank you
The 3rd category, one thing you should know about mama’s boys is that nobody can ever be like their mum, if you like be living in the same house with the mother, let her teach you her special recipe , you will still not measure up in his eyes.
So, I go with the 1st category. Instead of wishing her dead or start attending mama’s boy school, I would rather run.
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